
We all makes mistakes.  Sometimes small and sometimes big. We all have some fear of making  mistakes.  We always try our best to avoid any mistakes.  Weather it’s in work or in relationship. Feeling of regret or guilt always follows after making any mistakes, which we are unaware of doing. It is the most sinkingContinue reading “Mistakes”

Learn and grow

This Shlok 16 from Gita Adhyay 14, put me to think how much we are aware of our action and our deeds. कर्मण: सुकृतस्याहु: सात्त्विकं निर्मलं फलम् |रजसस्तु फलं दु:खमज्ञानं तमस: फलम् || 16|| Bhagavad Gita It is said the fruit of actions performed in the mode of goodness bestow pure results. Actions done inContinue reading “Learn and grow”


We all have some temptation for one or the other things. But mostly temptation is for materialistic things only. It is a short term urge for enjoyment. Temptation is unavoidable in materialistic world. If we try to deal with it, we will be more confused and angry. So the best way is not to dealContinue reading “Temptation”

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