
Mothers are the creators, Mothers are warriors, Mother’s love can change the Era,Mothers are the first teacher, Mothers never judge you for who you are,Mother’s love is unconditional,Wherever your mother may be,She will always bless you with all her heart. Happy Mother’s Day!


Transformation is always painfulIt is not an easy process.The old is familiar and the new is unfamiliar.  It’s uncomfortable with unfamiliar things.It takes lot of hard work out of you to create complete different version.You need a strong mind and determination.If you keep going persistently and work on it sincerely, you will definitely get theContinue reading “Transformation”

Happy Women’s Day

Performing many roles in her one life. Taking care of different situations with a strong mind. Clearing all obstacles she emerges as a winner. Her actions speaks louder than her words many times. She is the power she is the ‘Shakti’. She is the energy that creates. Celebrate yourself with more power happy mind andContinue reading “Happy Women’s Day”

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